Monday, March 3, 2014

Andy Warhol

"The best thing about a picture is that it never changes,
Even when the people in it do.."

-Andy Warhol-

"The last frame of my cat Mambo, before he disappeared.."

Monday, February 24, 2014

John Ruskin

"There no such thing as bad weather,
Only different kinds of good weather.."

- John Ruskin-

Thursday, February 20, 2014

50mm, What you only need in Photography..

Have you ever cover an event using only one prime lens, 50mm lens?

I was at this celebration near my place when i took this photo. I had my camera and 50mm lens.
50mm got me to zoom in and out with my legs, It brought me so close to the performer that I could feel the heat and smell that burn.

I have learnt a lot using 50mm, it teaches me where to stand, go closer, be friendly towards people.

I like the expressions of the people watching the performance, the expressions of the two kids (on the left) were priceless..


"Of course it's all luck.."

-Henri Cartier-Bresson-

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Something We photographers can use in Life..

"To see the World, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel.

That is the purpose of Life.."

-Life Magazine-


Life is like a Camera.
Focus on the important things,
Capture the good times,
Develop from negatives,
Always look for colours,
If things don't turn out what you wanted..


Take Another Shot at IT..

-Andrew Lee-

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Long time...

Its been six months since I last posted here.. It have been super busy with up and a lot of downs lately, BUT, surely the problems thrown to me by life will must me a better person. As the saying goes, "What does kill you, will make you stronger!".

Cheers to 2012!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Great year..

This should be the last post on this journal on my photography for the year 2011..

It has been a great year for me and I think its a wonderful start of many exciting photography journey for me..

Have a Merry Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2012 ahead.. =)

On the street of Dhaka - Bangladesh.


Fruits Seller..


Flag Seller..


==>Photos taken on 11/12/11<==

Friday, November 25, 2011

Better Compostion..

I have people asking me how to take good photos, so I thought why no have past on it.

Beside the three fundamentals of photography: ISO, Aperture and Shutter speed, having a great composition in your photos are also very important.

As a lots of you do read on photography books, you will know on of the most common rule in them are the "Rule of the Thirds". This is helpful as it allows space around your subject, and "Allow Space Around Your Subject" is also something that makes your photo even better.

One thing you must remember is to try "Achieve Balance in a Composition" when coming to a landscape. So when you are composing a landscape photo next time: "Take Your Time", set the tripod, look though the finder,  balance you composing! then click the shutter. For landscape photography, its important that "Lead the eye of the viewer into the picture". So, if you come across a gate in the farm not closed, stop and take a picture. Do remember use the "Rule of third" in this exposure too.

Our human eyes likes to see things that are well balance, so you must try this "Symmetrical Composition". This would be something like the temple door, door fame or even while shooting micro, ie. side view of a flower.